Eco wallpaper with abstract pattern, grey/brown - 3747417, Without PVC 🌿

Ecological wallpaper with abstract pattern, grey/brown, without PVC
Ecological wallpaper with abstract pattern, grey/brown, without PVC
Ecological wallpaper with abstract pattern, grey/brown, without PVC
Ecological wallpaper with abstract pattern, grey/brown, without PVC

Eco wallpaper with abstract pattern, grey/brown - 3747417, Without PVC 🌿

Regular price €32.00
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.
🔍 Surface: Matt and slightly textured surface
📐 Size: 0,53x10,05 m (5,3 m2)
↕️ Pattern match: 64 cm
🇩🇪 Manufacturer: Germany
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Šis inovatīvais klāsts izceļas ar savu ekoloģiski apzināto dizaina filozofiju, kas stingri atsakās no PVC izmantošanas, izmanto krāsas un pastas uz ūdens bāzes, mūsu ražošanas metodes nodrošina ilgtspēju, vienlaikus veicinot veselīgu iekštelpu klimatu. Kolekcijai ir arī FSC® sertifikāts un tajā nav ftalātu.

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