Data protection

Personal data

Personal data is any data containing information on the natural or legal persons whose personality can be determined for personal or property relationships. These include, for example, name, surname, electronic address, home address, gender, date of birth or even age.

Data collection and storage for internal systems and statistical purposes

You can visit our website without leaving any data relating to your personality. We only kept access data without relationships to a particular person. These data are processed solely with the aim of improving our offers and preventing conclusions according to your personality. Each time you visit our website, your Internet brauzer, for technical reasons, automatically transfers the following information to our Web Server:

  • IP-Adrese you use;
  • If you went to our website by reference, the page from which the transition was made;
  • The pages you visited on our website;
  • The date and time of your visit;
  • Your usable operating system, braucer name (such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.) and its version.

These data are stored anonymously and are used only for statistical purposes (for example, to find out how often our website is visited, the technical control of the web and systems is to determine the failures of the server (log-file).

Data collection and storage for internet analysis / user profiles

This website uses Google Analytics Service for Internet analysis. This service is offered by Google Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics Service uses Cookies, i.e. Text files stored on your computer to analyze the use of our Internet offerings. Information on the use of our website thanks to these files is transferred to and stored on the Google Corporation server in the US. In the event of activation of the IP-Anonymization Function on this website, your IP -adrese will be handed over to the countries of the European Union or an agreement on the European economic space in the countries of other members. Only in exceptional cases can a full IP-mail server go to Google in the United States and there.

Google uses this information with our consent to analyzing the use of the website, making a website functioning report, and offering other services.

Your IP-Adresse will not be saved with other visiting data. You can prohibit the use of cookies by changing the appropriate institutions in your brauzer; However, not all features of this website will be available to you. Also, you can prohibit Google data collection and subsequent analysis (including IP-Nadresi), which is done with the help of cookies by installing a special plagin Further information on usage options and information protection can be found or Note that on this website, Google Analytics is used with the code «Gat._Anonymizeip ();»; to ensure collection of IP-Dirses anonymous (so-called IP masking).

Collecting, processing and transferring personal data

The collection of personal data is if you voluntarily notify them as part of the contact establishment. We only use your data to offer the information you need or provide services. This means that only its information is saved and processed and the data that are fully needed for us to respond to your request or to ensure contractual relationships.

For the establishment of contact, we ask you to notify your personal information, such as your e -mail address, name, home address. We need these data to reply to your request or for checking your application. Your personal data may be blocked for further processing following the clarification of all formalities related to the establishment or termination of the contractual relationships, and withdrawn by terminating a certain time limit for tax and market storage.

A person's right to withdraw his consent.
By submitting a written submission to our e-mail, the person has the right to withdraw his consent at any time, the processing of their personal data (information on the means of communication (telephone and e-mail address) on the basis of consent. In the event of the withdrawal of consent, the above personal data shall be deleted.


“Cookie” Files Use

We use Cookie on different pages to make our website attractive to visitors and provide certain functions. It is also about small text files that are saved on your computer. Most of the use of the "Cookie" files are removed from your hard disk session at the end (the so -called "session cookie"). Other "Cookie" stays on your computer and allows us to recognize it for your next visit (the so -called "permanent cookie").  Our partners are not allowed to collect, process or use personal data from our website thanks to Cookie.

You can at any moment withdraw your consent by blocking the "cookie" files accepting your brauzer.

Informative Bulletin

If you signed up for our information newsletter, we will use your e -mail address to send out our news to send out news to news. The newsletter contains up -to -date information as well as offers for our products. Deportation can be abandoned at any moment.

The deportation is carried out by a double -appointment method. This means that we will send you an information newsletter only after you, by pressing on a reference in our written statement, confirm the deportation activation.

The data we receive as part of the information newsletter evaluation are used to optimize our services according to users' interests and preference, as well as advertising and marketing research. We save data for long -term archives and reuse for the above mentioned purposes.


We protect our pages and other systems in the actions of technical and organizations that protect against loss, destruction, unauthorized approaches, changes or cases where your data is distributed by unauthorized persons. However, despite regular tests, full protection against all threats is not possible.

The transfer of personal data

We use your personal data only for the purposes above.

The transfer of personal information to the national authorities and departments shall take place only within the framework of national legal guidance, which is mandatory, or, if necessary, in the case of attacks on the infrastructure of our network for legal or criminal persecution. The transfer of messages to third parties is not made for other purposes.

Personal data required for the fulfillment of payments shall be transferred to the Authorized Processor Maxkskeskus AS.

Storage and destruction of personal data

All personal data stored at us are destroyed immediately and permanently as soon as they stop being needed for the purposes that were collected if we are not obliged to keep them in accordance with legal instructions. If such obligations exist accordingly, the data shall be permanently destroyed by the terms of legally specified terms.

Restoration of Information Protection Notification

 We reserve the right to renew the given statement of data protection with the aim of adapting it to technical development and due to the supply of new services and products. You can get to know the existing version at any time at After the reference "Data Protection".